Markenhersteller setzt auf AR im mobile B2C-Marketing mit Disney-Figuren

Papierprodukte-/Winden-)Hersteller Kimberly-Clark featuret erstmals Baby-Produkte mit AR in 3D. Er setzt dabei auf Disney-Figuren, die Kinder auf dem „iPod der Mum“ spielen können.

Pull-Ups relies on augmented reality to encourage potty training – via Mobile Marketer.

The Kimberly-Clark Corporation has released an interactive Augmented Reality and 3-D mobile app that focuses on making the potty training process more enjoyable for parents and their children. Designed to be a reward for diligent children, the app contains a variety of 3-D augmented experiences that parents can launch for each successful “flush”. More flushes unlock more content, including interactive games featuring beloved Disney characters like Mickey Mouse and Rapunzel. Metaio worked with Kimberly-Clark and Organic Inc. to bring this great project to the consumers and parents. Check out the video to see the new Big Kid App in action.


R. W. Brunner